Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Meaning of life & death

― Napoléon Bonaparte
Further reading:
Lost Keys

History shapes ones psychology and consciousness, 3 word altered by "winners" that altered, limited, our understanding of reality: Dead, death and die. For centuries people have been "schooled" a false definition of "death", Earth and what it is to experience being human. Wisdom is not attained by being schooled, rather through admitting ignorance, a taking trek into the rabbit hole of self discovery. "Truth", albeit nebulous, resonates deep inside each of us and is often hidden in plain sight for those who have eyes to see it. The pupil of the eye = student of ID, or "higher self".

The concept that "god spoke the world into existence" is accurate, on a individual personal level...we, as so called "divine souls" (for lack of a better term) were commanded, verbally, by a higher power to sacrifice our "divine" (spiritual) selves and incarnate into mortal bodies. This was understood centuries ago, and encoded into various bible versions..and alluded to by Enoch / Thoth (dead sea scrolls, emerald tablets"

What is the meaning of Earth?, in antiquity Earth was Egypt, the abyss or hell administered by Lucifer and his useful idiot minions.

To "die" is to be commanded for our "soul" to "fall" and "live" on Earth...we fall through the "veil of forgetfulness" into our flesh "tomb" or as we were schooled to believe "womb"
"Death" is the souls life on Earth, ergo we are the "dead". Another example of bible code lost in translation over the years is the meaning of "The red sea", which is our physical bodies... 60% +/- water & red blood...one must cross the "red sea", ergo endure a lifetime on Earth, to reach "the mountain of God", however no such place exists, although an archaeological myth... the ancient greeks understood this to mean ascending back to from whence we came....back to "life"...after so called "death" (departure from the physical).

Our mission as students is to attain sufficient wisdom to raise out "Q level", or consciousness, and reach escape velocity (higher vibration) sufficient to ascend, else our "soul" is summarily returned to another tomb/womb for another chance. Once we "learn" not to be fooled by the assholes in charge, we are free. Further details here:

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