Thursday, January 12, 2017

A brief lesson in esoteric communication 101

A brief lesson in esoteric communication 101

Unbeknownst to the masses, stateless shadowy overlords have been running various nation states for 1000s of years, since before the Roman empire, they identify themselves via esoteric communication, or symbols, which are "hidden in plain sight" ...meant "For those who have eyes to see", because "None are so blind as those who do not see".

Pictured below: North Korean congress, US congress and 1939 German congress, all of Roman architecture (“All roads lead to Rome”). These buildings are not mere coincidence, their pillars represent a brand name.

Now imagine these building emblazoned with a modern easily recognizable symbol, like the iconic Nike swoosh (“Nike” is a Roman goddess btw)...people would not be blinded by patriotic sentiment, or propagandized dogma, to the fact the same company, or 'overlords', controls all 3 nations...which have simply been 're-branded' for public consumption.

The symbols of authority are “hidden in plain sight”, a symbolic language intended to for “those who have eyes to see”, and are, literally, everywhere. “None are so blind as those who cannot see”, or read, esoteric language.
Roman coin & US Silver coin

An excellent video on this subject is called “The Roman empire rules today”:

Esoteric messages appear in cooperate “news” sources, every day. The photo below is of a man named Andreas Lubitz (story link: employed by the CIA as a pilot for “German wings”, he supposedly committed suicide shortly after this picture was taken.

Note Andreas is sitting on the San Andreas fault (named after the San Andreas ROMAN bascillica) at the entrance of the “Golden gate bridge” in San Francisco Ca, a cursory search of the internet will provide ample examples of political “leaders”, so called, plus countless others, referencing the idea we are at the “Dawn of the golden age” ..a veiled reference to the ages, or aeons, of man by Hesiod ( ) (Iron, Heroic, Bronze, Silver (current) and Golden).

The esoteric message here, “hidden in plain sight”, is that those residing in California, adjacent to the fault, are ostensibly committing suicide and will parish at the foot of the Golden Gate bridge, failing to reach the “Golden Age” (new aeon, or age).

(Side note: the ages of man is also a reference to the metal contained in our DNA, during the Golden Age human DNA will be upgraded to contain monotomic gold (most abundant supplies are in Iraq and Hawaii), which resonates (vibrates) at whats called “M Status” for its super conductivity. This will enable man to both live much longer and will super charge our brains allowing us to retain, literally, every memory from birth. For example, a common 9 volt battery connected to a monatomic gold wire stretching from Los Angeles to New York, will lose no power & deliver all 9 volts coast to coast).

Who these timeless shadowy overlords are, and where they currently live, is known, but an entirely different subject. To understand their methods, why they foment wars, class warfare and allow human suffering...all “problems” they could easily must get beyond the concepts of “good & evil” and accept that everything that occurs, no matter how cruel it appears, is absolutely necessary, even required, for humanity to evolve, or mature, to a higher conscious level. Besides, why should they solve 'problems' we do not solve ourselves?..

We could easily change our world, solve our own problems, by changing the status quo...rejecting the abject bullshit and stale nonsense belched forth by corrupted asshole political party “leaders” and their subservient, and soulless, lackeys on television. As a matter of fact, our overlords are challenging us to grow the fuck up, they would rejoice if we did so! proud the parents of an immature asshole child who grew the fuck up.

Suggested topics to further understand the big picture:
100th monkey (example of “collective conscious” at work)
Mouse Utopia (example of what happens when instinct goes un challenged)

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